Monday, 16 November 2009

We are well into November with our roads and pavements in a poor condition, and drains that do not work (causing localised flooding). So after many attempts to get these issues rectified I have written to the chief exec of Surrey County Council asking for these matters to be addressed. I am awaiting a response.

As many people have noticed and remarked on the fantastic work that has been done at Clare Road shops. All the shrubs have been cut back and a intensive litter pick of this area has been done.

This work was done by community payback and Cllr Kevin Flurry working hard to improve Stanwell. There is an untaxed van parked on the pavement in Elizabethan way which is now awaiting collection by Spelthorne B.C.

Pathways in Park Road have been cleared, along with the footpath running from Park Road to Town Lane Rec.

We are now awaiting delivery of the Christmas lights for both Stanwell and Stanwell Moor. We are hoping to have the trees up and decorated for the second week of December.

As residents of Stanwell Moor you will all, I am sure, remember the Reigate and Banstead initative. part of which was a promise to improve Stanwell Moor Rec for the young and teanagers. We are nearly there now with, as you can see in the photo above, the installation of a multi all weather sports pitch, an adventure play area. I have also asked for new full sized goals with nets for the football pitch, which along with the refurbishment of the young childrens play area and the youth shelter, will put the finishing touches on what is a much improved area. I believe as your local councillor that although some things have taken longer than I would have wished, we have got there in the end.

There are many other improvements coming along, one of which is that I, along with Stanwell Moor Village Hall Committee, will be starting a coffee/tea morning.

Park Road Car Park/Glenneagles

It is with much personal regret that the Council has sold this land to A2D. Stanwell Village and your ward councillors fought this sale.

But we won a small victory when this project by A2D came before planning, Key Stanwell residents stood up against this planning application. All your ward councillors stood side by side the people of Stanwell and quite rightly so.

I have invited A2D to sit down with myself and six of Stanwell Village key people to find a way forward. We await their response.

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