Monday, 21 December 2009

As a proud Stanwell Councillor but as an Ashford resident it was up to your Stanwell councillor to find out why wood chippings of a vast Quantity were being stored in a huge mountain in Woodthorpe road car park. The answer is that Bronze field HMP are cutting and clearing trees, chipping them then storing the chippings till some point after Christmas for fuel for a power station.

Well I supose this is a different way of preventing a car park from being used for parking cars than building affordable housing on it, But this is Ashford.

This should be a reminder to Stanwell, January 6th Stanwells only car park goes before planning for A2D houses,come and suport Stanwell. STANWELL NEEDS A CAR PARK

Friday, 18 December 2009


These are some of the picture I have taken of the fly tipping that occurred in Stanwell Moor this week.
The people who Fly Tip and dispose of there waste in this manner cost Spelthorne Council Thousands of pounds, but what everyone needs to realise is that the residence of Spelthorne ultimately pay for the clearance and disposal of these peoples rubbish, it also should be noted that the people who dispose of there rubbish by fly tipping have charge the customer for disposing of the rubbish so they make more profit while everyone else pays for it.

If you see some one fly tipping, please report it, either to Spelthorne B.C. or to me Cllr Kevin Flurry.

I want to see Stanwell to continue to improve so please help me so I can help you, together we can make Stanwell a better place to live.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Team Work

It was bought to my attention as a Spelthorne Borough Councillor that an Ashford life long resident had what could be described as a lucky escape.

A fire with out flame has ruined his home. A2D are unable to help, so your ward councillor has stepped out of Stanwell to ensure this resident has the ability to cook a hot meal, and live in a clean environment.

My special thanks go to Cllr Jaffer, who has bent over backwards to help. Harry has made sure that this gentleman has a means of cooking by supplying a cooker from REM Ashford, and arranging for it to be correctly installed.

I have been in talks with Community payback. The conclusion of these talks are that next week both they and I will be doing all that we can to ensure this property is in a liveable condition for the gentleman occupant. My thanks therefore also go to those at Community payback who have pulled out all the strings to make this happen.

Monday, 14 December 2009


As I have said previously I today, Monday 14th December, went to help community payback over in Ferry Lane, Shepperton, where we had a visit from the powers that be. The result of the day was that your Stanwell ward Councillor was there to steer the days work in the right direction. It took numerous phone calls to arrange collection of the green waste we generated. There was no shortages of non workers in support, particularly when the VIPs arrived.

Community pay back suffer a shortage of tools for the jobs that they are asked to do. This is one of the many reasons why as one of your ward Councillor I chose to aid the work that Community payback do - by physically helping them and also using my knowledge of ground maintenance to aid them in the easiest way of completing the task in the best and quickest way possible.
But rest assured before and after I drove and walked around Stanwell, as I always do, to make sure Stanwell was in good order.

Sunday, 13 December 2009


As Stanwell faces another winter of rain snow and freezing temperatures, I along with the people of Stanwell nervously watch the changing conditions.

Stanwell has long suffered flooding - our roads and pavements are deteriorating before our eyes.
I have always believed that actions speak louder than words. If we accept that this is the case when will we see Stanwells County Councillor spring into action.

Please, I would not like any one to misunderstand me, Stanwells County Councillor is a pleasant locally educated guy who works locally and lives locally. This is what the people of Stanwell want. But surely along with this the People of Stanwell should expect local County issues pushed hard and in this regard I refer to the roads, pavements, culverts, and possible cuts in Stanwells bus services. This is just to name a few important County issues that are in dire need of attention.

As your ward councillor I am constantly pushing County on these and many other important issues, but progress is slow. However, at least there is progress.

I have had county officers out of their offices and down to Stanwell and Stanwell Moor to see first hand some of the county issues we have. I have e-mailed the Chief Executive of Surrey County Council to make him aware, and have asked him for his help in ensuring that Stanwells voice is HEARD in the chambers at county and that officers carry out their duties in an efficient and effective way, but as of yet that appears not to be.

The culvert under the Horton Road Stanwell Moor needs cleaning. This is a fact that people on the Moor have known for years, after the flooding last February. County have issued various dates when this work will be carried - the last of which was an assurance that this work would be carried out by the end of November. Stanwell Moor is now asking itself, you said November, but what year.

On Monday 14th December I will be working with Community Payback in a ditch in Ferry Lane Shepperton. You may ask yourself - why is our ward councillor prepared to work in a ditch in Shepperton. The answer is easy - if ditches can be cleared in Shepperton then they can in Stanwell. So by working alongside community payback on Monday, I will see the work being carried out first-hand, and will note the work done. This will prove useful, as we have Ditches in Stanwell in dire need of attention. The work in Shepperton has been pushed forward by a Spelthorne Portfolio holder. I understand that the SCC portfolio holder for community safety, Kay Hammond, will also be attending on Monday.

One of the main problems I have is the removal of green waste that Community Payback and myself are generating, in order to make Stanwell a better place to live, and one must wonder how Spelthorne Council can now manage to remove the green waste generated in Shepperton!

Wednesday, 9 December 2009


We have done so well with community pay back, I have as your ward councillor worked along side these guys, cutting hedge rows, reducing shrubs, litter picking once an area has been cleared.
It has to be said we have over whelmed Spelthornes collection service, who have been working very hard in all areas of the borough. so please accept my apologies for the fact that there are some areas waiting for green waste to be collected, but i have been told this will be done by the end of this week God willing.
I would like to send my thanks to the person who dumped a mattress at the top end of Long lane yesterday, Stanwell north would have liked the money spent removing this item spent on something better but hopefully feeling guilty know you will place £20.00 in a local charity pot.
Heads up I have seen the line up for the conservative MP and it is looking very good, we hope he or she will see Stanwell North for the jewel in the crown as I do, Well rest assured I will continue to push Stanwell North to its right and proper position, which should be, Stanwell North the gateway to Surrey.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Stanwell Moor

There I was waiting for residence to come out on a winters evening for the last residence meeting of 2009, when Santa came along.

It took me back a couple years, and the words Santa only come to those who are good came to mind, well a smile came over my face and I thought how lucky I was that Santa had come out of his way and found me in Stanwell moor, with a shout Ha Santa he stopped and waved.

I hope every person, young and old have a very Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year.
Remember a Councillors not just for Christmas!

Sunday, 29 November 2009

Hello Stanwell
today Sunday the 29th of November we took park in the great tree race, there were many teams of all types, a well and worthy team from Stanwell and a team made up from Spelthorne Councillors among many others.
Di spite the weather the teams went into battle in water sodden ground with the wind and rain always threatening but in true Spelthorne and typical of the people of Stanwell we battled on with a smile on our faces, Stanwells team did very well, as did all the teams.
Stanwell I am sure would like to be included in my thanks too all those involved in the organisation of this event, but also to all those who took part We say thank you.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Today I had the privilege to attend the Metropolitan Remembrance Service for Officers who lost their lives in the line of duty.
I had the great privilege of meeting Sir Paul Stephenson QPM. I also met the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson who was only too willing to be photographed with your very own
ward councillor - me!

Rest assured I never missed the opportunity to promote the positive aspects of Stanwell and Stanwell Moor.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Long lane Rec

This area and buildings have been targeted by an appalling level of anti social behaviour. I had intended to post photographs of the damage caused, but why would I wish to subject you to the views of this mindless destruction of public property.

I cannot believe that this level of damage was not either heard or seen by the good people of Stanwell.

So I ask you all, if anyone has any information on the damage caused Long Lane Rec please forward this information, in confidence to:

Police - 08451252222
Crime stoppers -0800555111

When using the 08451252222 you can ask for an officer not to call upon you at your home.

I thank the people of Stanwell for helping me to make Stanwell a better place to live.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Christmas Party

Stanwell Sure Start Childrens Centre are having a Christmas party at Stanwell Moor Village Hall. I and local Stanwell Moor Businesses think this is fantastic. Some of the local companies, like Charlie Morris, Flower Vision and Passiflora have worked with me to support this venture. This is a very good start for our Village Hall and for Stanwell Moor. In time I hope that all Stanwell North businesses will come on board and support the local community in Stanwell.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

My thanks to Kathy Croft Chair of the residence committee and Jim for there help in aiding me with the fight to get the ditches cleared in Stanwell Moor.

Stanwell Moor has been flooded on many occasions, we have spent the last nine months pushing for the ditches to be cleared,we are assured that the culvert will be cleaned before the end of November. I have a meeting on Monday 23November with officers of Spelthorne B.C. were i hope that an agreement will be forth coming on the continued maintenance of the said ditches.

Good news for the youths of Stanwell Moor,

Stanwell Moor now has a multi all weather pitch and an adventure play area,this has taken time to put funding in place for this to happen but as the picture show we are there.

I have optained 20 footballs, which as soon as the new area is signed off by Spelthorne B.C I will hand over the footballs to the youths so they can enjoy the new equipment.

Dont forget you can contact me by e-mail

As your ward Councillor I am hear to help you.

Monday, 16 November 2009

We are well into November with our roads and pavements in a poor condition, and drains that do not work (causing localised flooding). So after many attempts to get these issues rectified I have written to the chief exec of Surrey County Council asking for these matters to be addressed. I am awaiting a response.

As many people have noticed and remarked on the fantastic work that has been done at Clare Road shops. All the shrubs have been cut back and a intensive litter pick of this area has been done.

This work was done by community payback and Cllr Kevin Flurry working hard to improve Stanwell. There is an untaxed van parked on the pavement in Elizabethan way which is now awaiting collection by Spelthorne B.C.

Pathways in Park Road have been cleared, along with the footpath running from Park Road to Town Lane Rec.

We are now awaiting delivery of the Christmas lights for both Stanwell and Stanwell Moor. We are hoping to have the trees up and decorated for the second week of December.

As residents of Stanwell Moor you will all, I am sure, remember the Reigate and Banstead initative. part of which was a promise to improve Stanwell Moor Rec for the young and teanagers. We are nearly there now with, as you can see in the photo above, the installation of a multi all weather sports pitch, an adventure play area. I have also asked for new full sized goals with nets for the football pitch, which along with the refurbishment of the young childrens play area and the youth shelter, will put the finishing touches on what is a much improved area. I believe as your local councillor that although some things have taken longer than I would have wished, we have got there in the end.

There are many other improvements coming along, one of which is that I, along with Stanwell Moor Village Hall Committee, will be starting a coffee/tea morning.

Park Road Car Park/Glenneagles

It is with much personal regret that the Council has sold this land to A2D. Stanwell Village and your ward councillors fought this sale.

But we won a small victory when this project by A2D came before planning, Key Stanwell residents stood up against this planning application. All your ward councillors stood side by side the people of Stanwell and quite rightly so.

I have invited A2D to sit down with myself and six of Stanwell Village key people to find a way forward. We await their response.

Sunday, 13 September 2009

As a Stanwell North Councillor, I am determined to use all resources in order to improve the area and the quality of life for the people in Stanwell and Stanwell Moor.

I have meetings with key agencies raising problems that are of concern in our area. On Friday I had a meeting with Annette Williamson from Surrey CC on the state of the roads, paths, cycle ways and the state of the drains. I am now pushing for Stanwell North to be give priority on these issues.

Many thanks to all the people who saw Annette Williamson and me walking around Stanwell North on Friday at 07:30 in the morning, and came across and aided me putting Stanwell Norths case across to the county officer.

I am working with the probation service (community payback). We are working through Stanwell North in block fashion, opening up and clearing paths, removing suckers and low tree branches,as well as litter picking.

Community payback are at present working in Stanwell Moor. I list below the areas that either have been done or will be done within the next week.

Stawell Moor village hall [redecoration]
Stanwell Moor car park [Brambles cut back and litter collected]
Pocket Park, Leylands lane, Haws lane, Spout lane, Horton road.

As soon as this work is completed we shall be moving across into Stanwell.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Stanwell North

Good news for the people of Stanwell, with the help and support of your local businesses Stanwell for the first time have a Christmas Tree with lights. The tree will be located on the memorial green in front of the church.

Father William is going to hold Christmas carols around the tree. The dates will be well published near the time, but please come and support this new event for Stanwell.

I have again chased Surrey County Council over the state of the roads and paths in Stanwell North. I am awaiting a reply!

For all of you that did attend the new style Have Your Say which had a very good turn out, I thank you.

Spelthorne Council at this meeting said that along with trying to work closely with the owners of 15 High Street, they would be sending a engineer to assess the building from a safety aspect.

Friday, 10 July 2009

Cllr Kevin Flurry What we can do together

Stanwell Skills Bus
This has been a great success for the youths in Stanwell. They have made from scratch three troughs of high standard - Well done to all those involved. The troughs will be raffelled at Stanwell Village Hall on Tuesday morning. The troughs come as in the photograph above - fully planted.

The compost and plants were suppied privately by my wife and me, because we were so impressed with the work the youths put in and the quality of the finished product.
We are hoping to continue with the Skills Bus and look forward to seeing what the youths will be making next.

Stanwell Village Hall

This is a very well maintained hall which hosts many events and is a very popular venue. Be sure not to miss the Tuesday morning market.

Stanwell Village Church

I thought that I would post a view of Stanwell Church from a less traditional view. By doing this I hopefully showing how lucky we are in Stanwell to have such a lovely church in such a great setting.

This is pocket park which sits at the back of Hithermoor Stanwell Moor.

This year I am looking for Help in restoring this park to its former glory. Any help gratefully received.

Vermeulens Garden Nursery sits at the entrance to Stanwell Moor. Along with the garden centre there is a cafe offering many different products. Vermeulens offer far more than many other garden centres and is well worth a visit, which once you have done you will want to do again and again.

This is 15 high street Stanwell. It used to be the post office but as you can see it has fallen into a bad state, which was not helped by a fire. This in my view is a blot on what is a lovely village, which is little more than a stones throw from Heathrow Airport.

I am one of three Ward Councillors. If you have any Ward problems please contact me. I am here to help the people of Stanwell North.

Just think what we can do together

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Cllr Kevin Flurry What we can do together

In the last two years as your Councillor, I would have to say that I have not done as much as I would have liked, although I have tried.

There are times, as we all know, it does not matter how hard you work you cannot win all the time.

This year, unlike the previous year, as a Councillor I had £750 to use in the community. As in previous years, I choose the project in which I would wish to donate the grant, then I would ask businesses if they would also like to provide financial help.

Last year each councillor had £1000 for use in the community. With help from Stanwell North companies I managed to turn £1000 into £2600 I will be looking to do better this year.

After a meeting I had with BA they informed me that they have four laptops ready for use in Stanwell North - two laptops will soon be placed in Viki's cafe for the use of all.

Father William has asked if we can have a Christmas tree on the green this year with the veiw of having a carol service around the tree. This to me seems a fantastic idea and so lets see if we can make this happen.


We have drains that do not work, pot holes and uneven pavements. Because of the sheer size of this problem I am hoping that the good people of Stanwell will aid me by e-mailing me the locations [Lighting poles have numbers] and letting me know whether it relates to a pot hole, drain, or pavement. I will then pass this information on to County for there attention.

Grass Cutting / Litter Collection

I believe that there has been a great improvement in Stanwell in these areas this year. We are very lucky that we have a very good team going around doing this work in all weather. I would personally like to single out our litter collector - he always has a smile and a cheery good morning.

Armed Forces Day

22/06/09 At 10:30 marked the first of an annual event at the council offices.

Hanging baskets in Stanwell Moor were Paid for by your local businesses.
Flowers around the Stanwell war memorial were supplied by Flower Vision and paid for privately by Cllr Kevin Flurry.