Monday, 26 July 2010

Stanwell North Rocks

Just a brief blog to let Stanwell North know of advents that are coming up for your enjoyment.

Party in the park, at Hadfield, Village park............. Look out for the poster they are out there know.

Stanwell North garden party Oaks Road..........Tickets £4.00..........

Raj one of your Stanwell North Councillors is planning an event called ............... Curry on the green, were you are all welcome.

So come on and support events in your local area, Stanwell North Councillors are working hard to improve the area for you, so come and enjoy your self with your families and if you would like to talk to your Councillors from Stanwell North in a more social environment then we look forward to talking to you.

Let it snow let it snow

Well what can I say, Despite the irrelevance I some times have to endure, listen and read what I have to say as sooner or later you will hear it on the news and read it in the press, I refer to the fact that I suggested in January that Community Pay Back should be used in conjunction with county and Borough services to keep Spelthorne moving forward despite the weather and as I have said it has happened written in last weeks paper Surrey seam to see the value of this resource, So regardless of who put the suggestion forward first, lets plan for what we can do if we have another winter like last year and show our residence that yes we do care!