Stanwell needs a dedicated, conscientious, enthusiastic, and hard-working County Councillor. To me that means a Councillor with a high attendance at County meetings, at which Victor scores very poorly. It means having a good record of attendance at outside meetings, at which Victor scores poorly. It also means attending to Stanwell's County related issues, again at which Victor scores poorly.
After Swindon gave Victor an education in honesty and visibility, I only hope that he is coming back to Stanwell with a determination to address the concerns over the roads, paths, drains, and so many more issues that Stanwell desperately need County to bring up to standard. Stanwell is not any one's poor relation. I would say to that if Victor feels unable to give Stanwell 100% then he should give the people of Stanwell a chance to chose someone who will fulfil the role as Stanwell's County Councillor.
Here's hoping that Stanwell will receive better representation at County, one way or the other!