Saturday, 20 February 2010

Councillor for Stanwell North

I am one of three councillors for Stanwell North, I was elected by the people of Stanwell North to serve the people of Stanwell North, Do you have a Question to ask me, or would just like to talk over issues that concern you, Then you can, I attend Stanwell Village market on a Tuesday morning,I can be found at Stanwell moor Village hall coffee morning on a Thursday between 09:30 and 11:30am, or you can talk to me as Iwalk round Stanwell and Stanwell Moor, or you can always call me or email me.


I went to a meeting on Friday evening, Present were parents Governors, head teachers to name just a few, County was represented along with borough Councillors.
We are all dedicated to this school, so come on have a look for your self, we all want the best for our children, Seeing is believing, its up to you.

Sunday, 14 February 2010


As much as you think you are aware of what is happening around you, out of the blue you receive a call from a member of the public which makes you sit down in a shocked daze.

There is a proposal to close Shortwood School, how can this be, this school for a start is a catchment school for Stanwell.

Out of all the houses A2D propose to build in Stanwell, were are our children going to go to school, Bus services are under review, So how far would they exspect a child to walk to school.

If you agree this School should stay open then support Shortwood School.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Stanwell Moor

Come on wake up Stanwell Moor and smell the coffee. This has been the second week of the highly successful Stanwell Moor coffee morning taking place at the Village Hall. We start at 09:30 and go on to 11:30am.

This is new venture for Stanwell Moor, but in my opinion a much needed one. With your support this venture has the ability to grow into a valued event in the community.

Please come along and give it a go. Although this is a social event, I will be there to have a chat and a laugh with you all. If you wish to either ask me any questions or would like to find answers to any problems you may have on the Moor, I will do my best to help.

I look forward to meeting you all.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Snow in Spelthorne

As in my previous blog I mentioned of my efforts to gain cooperation for the clearing of snow in key areas in Spelthorne.
I have heard on the grape vine today that Spelthorne and Surrey County Council may be in discussion now on this very issue, Fantastic news for Spelthorne.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

All Working Together

I have put forward to Council a suggestion and a basic outline for us to be able to use in the future,If we were to have snow in Spelthorne.
This in its rough and basic state is as follows.
Shopping areas would be cleared, old peoples homes and day centres, once these and other areas of importance have been addressed there may lie the possibility of looking at other areas.
We would use community pay back in this operation along with our own staff, It is only too easy to say NO, but if the answer is No, I ask WHY. lets put energy into how can we, rather how we cant.

Community Pay Back

As your Stanwell North Councillor I have been so successful with using community pay back in Stanwell, that after a meeting with Nigel Lynn, Jackie Taylor and Denise Grant, I was asked if I would assist in using community pay back in other areas of Spelthorne in order to bring them up to the same standard as Stanwell, so to this I have agreed as long as Stanwell does not suffer.
Please be assured Stanwell as long as I am a councillor you will only be going forward.

Ashford woodland Devastated

A quick update on the area along the a308 and bronze field prison.
Spelthorne BC have agreed with me that this area has been decimated and work has been done out side the boundaries of the contract, I will now contact the dept of environment over the damage to the banks of the ASH, while Spelthorne BC legal dept decide on a course of action.

Rest assured I will pursue this till the people of Spelthorne are happy with the Restoration of this area.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010


We have all seen pictures or television coverage of the devastation of the Amazon, BUT this is Ashford,
This area was an area created for biodiversity which was and would have been an area the people of Ashford could and should have been proud of, but not as it is now.
The banks of the Ash have been damaged trees have been removed fences damaged living trees damaged. As a Spelthorne Councillor I will continue to push untill this area has been fully restored to its former glory, It is also worth mentioning that this area is or was a wild life nesting area.